About Us

We are developing the world’s first single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) commercial spaceplane capable of transporting 100 people or 100 tons of cargo to any destination, runway to runway, in under two hours.

There must be an easier way to space!

Richard H. Lugg, CEO & Founder

After nearly eight years researching the science, mission, propulsion, flight path, payload capacity, and passenger safety issues that have kept space travel so expensive, and limited to so few people, our founder Richard Lugg declared, “There must be an easier way to space!”

With a 'Clean Sheet Design' approach, his team forged a radical departure from over 80 years of best practices in the aerospace industry—a hybrid-electric, airbreathing, rocket engine design that powers a spaceplane in a near-earth orbit, runway-to-runway, to any destination on the globe in under 2 hours, with up to six times flights per day.

The results are foundational patents and engineering designs for a Single-Stage-To-Orbit (SSTO) spaceplane that is faster, safer, and greener than rockets, with dramatically lower payload to orbit costs.

CEO & Founder

Richard H. Lugg
Hypersonics Innovator

Filed all patents for HYPERSMART, HYSCRAM,  SPACESTAR, and all component technologies

Over 35 years in aerospace and defense.

Serial aerospace entrepreneur with 5 companies.

Top Secret Security Clearance for these programs:

  • X-43 HyperX (current Mach 9.6 airspeed record holder)

  • X-33 Venture Star SSTO (Single-Stage-To-Orbit)

  • USAF JASSM Cruise Missile Strike

  • THADD Hypersonic Missile

In 1974, cut his teeth in Hypersonics at 17 years old as the youngest Mission Systems Analyst on the Kwajalein Missile Range in the Marshall Islands.

Management Team

  • George Abbey, Jr.

    George Abbey, Jr.

    Senior VP Business Development

    Ex-NASA & Armed Services Executive. Built manned Apollo Program with his father George Abbey.

  • Guy N. Kalonji

    Guy N. Kalonji

    Chief Engineer

    25 years in design, integration, systems in hypersonics and high Mach vehicles.